follow your passion and stay true to yourself. never follow someone else's path. you are amazing just the way you are:)

17 April 2011

is Jesus the only way?

How arrogant can Christians claim that Jesus is the only way? How can they claim a monopoly on salvation ,truth and heaven ? what about all of the other religions out there in the world?

Let me first say that no one is going upset if i say that 1 +1 = 2 . There is only one right answer for 1+1 . but an infinite number of wrong answer for 1+1. likewise, if the Christian faith is true and the Bible accurately portrays God's interaction with mankind, then Jesus is the only way to heaven and all other faiths are wrong.

This is as plain as simple arithmetic and all people from all faiths should be able to objectively assert the truth of this proposition. likewise, if the Christian faith was some great sham and false, then it does not get you into heaven and i was mistaken in my beliefs.

I believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven by faith which is no different than an atheist who has faith that there is no God, except that i believe it takes more faith to be an atheist. Faith is an essential component of any religion and i believe that everyone has basic beliefs. whether or not they are warranted and justified is a whole other discussion.

Christians need to be less arrogant and better at sharing God's love. we are God's tool of love, as if we do things without God's love then our actions are in vain and meaningless. no Christians should be allowed go and preach the Gospel unless they are first motivated by God's love. A passage from 1 Corinthians 13 should summate the point well.

.. If i understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge , if i had such faith that i could move mountains, but didn't love others , i would be nothing..

and ,

4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Again, my point is that Christians should not be arrogant in spreading the truth but as the scriptures admonish us, it is our duty to do it out of love. i encourage Christians to be bold in their faith when some professor, or someone in authority attacks the faith, be prepare to give a defense for the hope that is in you ! in an insistence of your faith being attacked publicly , then love is not going to be essential in you defense, i do not think it is possible to lovingly boat the crap out of an intruder who breaks into my house likewise, the same is true if you are openly attacked about your faith. But you must remain calm at all times so that the Holy Spirit can speak the truth through you. If you let your emotions get the best of you , then you may do more damage than good in your defense of the Gospel ..


. feel free to comment . thankyou. (:
jenny amelia tah


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