follow your passion and stay true to yourself. never follow someone else's path. you are amazing just the way you are:)

09 July 2010


Wehey I forgot to blog that last 4 days was our first month anniv ;) hehe. Srry aku lupaaa ngeblog-in nyaa. Ehehe ;) happy anniv to both of us yaa pandaaa. Ily even more ;) long last to both of us! Hehe iloveyoudeariee :) :* :* ilyilyily. Mogaa” kmu jg tmbah syng and care sma me yaa :p hehe. Lollol.. I syng youu! Ehhe ;) jgnn ngmbekan trs yaa. Ehhe. Lama” stress km ngmbkan trs :p lol cndaa.ehhe. kmu lucuu dee pas ngmbek aku sukaaa :* lol. Tp jgn sringg ya! =) ehehelol. Btw I have the best date ever with you on our 1st anniv ;) although kt ampir ptuss :”( huehue gr” akuu maafin aku yaa.ehhee. aku jg gatau knpaa aku mau putusin km :s pdahal aku gabsaa leave aku yaa synggg :) ily.hehe. enkk yaa tdr pas karaoke.dsar pcar gila ;p HAHA! Cnda” :D:D jgn mrah.uhuy. well aku gatau mau nmg apa lg. oh yaa thanks ud nyanyiin just the way you are sma everything yaaa pas karaoke. ily even more ;) mwaaa :* sring” nyanyiin buat aku yaa. Gntiaannn :p lol! XD okeedee aku gatau mau nmng apa lg. hehe pkoknya ily and hppyanniv to both of us ya :*


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